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Ellis Baking Challenge a Sweet Success!

Writer's picture: EllisEllis

A happy crowd of more than 75 thronged Ellis on Sunday, June 9, for a baking challenge with Joanne Chang, founder of Boston’s Flour Bakery + Cafe. After a special meet-and-greet with six young junior bakers prior to the event’s start, Joanne privately tasted and judged the delicious confections of six previously selected adult contestants. She brimmed with enthusiasm and admiration. “It’s wonderful the children are baking from an early age. All junior bakers did a great job,” she said.

Like popular TV cooking shows, this event inspired people with ideas from Joanne to try in their own kitchens. And better than TV, the live event ended with a colorful array of desserts for everyone to sample.

The Baking Challenge inspired 15 contestants to apply, including 6 entries from children. Each submitted a short video explaining why they wanted to bake for Joanne, and why they supported Ellis. Each baker, adults and children alike, told Joanne how and why they developed their entries. In front of the audience, Joanne tasted every dessert and described what she liked. Joanne explained she needed to try things more than once to taste them fully.

Joanne judged the six adult entries with care and precision, pointing out the strengths of each dessert and offering constructive feedback to each person. “But don’t forget that personal preference always comes into play. You may love something more than I do, and that’s fine,” she said.

Jaye Smith won for her artisanal scones, a specialty she’s been perfecting for a decade, and glowed when Joanne said, “This is something we’d be proud to serve at Flour.” Jaye, an Ellis volunteer and donor, said the Baking Challenge brought together two of her passions in life. “I’ve always worked in early childhood education, and Ellis is a magical place. Baking is magical too – you take simple ingredients and transform them.”

The Baking Challenge happened thanks to a chance encounter.  CEO Lauren Cook recognized Joanne Chang on the street, introduced herself, and declared herself a big fan. Joanne confessed that her retirement dream is to hold babies. “We have plenty!” Lauren exclaimed, and so Joanne paid Ellis a visit to learn more about Ellis’s mission. From there, the two women forged a bond and cooked up the Baking Challenge idea.

The Challenge raised over $20,000 for Ellis’s meal program, which provides two nutritious meals and snacks for 250 children every day. Lauren thanked the sponsors – Flour Bakery, Brookline Bank, Olivia’s Organics, Spindrift, and United Way – for their significant support.

Lauren also thanked the host committee for making the event possible, doing work that ranged from making whimsical centerpieces, baking a delicious confetti cake for guests to enjoy,  to creating goody bags for everyone to take home. Thank you to Morgan DesPrez, Grace Lichaa, Kim Lucas, Jaye Smith, and Lauren Toth!

In addition to raising money and hosting an innovative fundraising event, the Baking Challenge also introduced new people to Ellis. “Despite serving children since 1885, we are surprisingly under-known. We cherish every opportunity to share Ellis’s work and mission with new friends,” Lauren explained. Lauren also shared her passion for Ellis with the audience. “Ellis prides itself on its diverse population and on giving all children an equitable opportunity for the best start in life. Our children are Boston’s future leaders. You are changing the world by supporting Ellis.”

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